
your search for "Bella" yielded 3 results, in 1 categories, 1 brands and 1 series
found 3 products, displaying 1 to 3
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L-730L-LE | La Bella Acoustic Folk string set 5-string banjo

string set 5-string banjo, silver plated steel wound, loop ends, light, 010-012-014-019-010


L-730M-LE | La Bella Acoustic Folk string set 5-string banjo

string set 5-string banjo, silver plated steel wound, loop ends, medium, 011-013-015-021-011


L-17 | La Bella Acoustic Folk string set classical & minstrel banjos

string set classical & minstrel banjos, silverplated wound nylon, 019-022-028-025W-019

found 3 products, displaying 1 to 3
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